Fourth Crossing Wildlife

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Short Term Care
Native  animals need specialised care and food.  If you find an orphaned, sick or  injured animal and a experienced carer cannot collect it straight away, you can  follow these guidelines for short periods.

Please  note: Native animals are prone to distress and being kept in the wrong conditions  will eventually lead to death.  

An Eastern Grey Kangaroo for example is a  particularly nervous animal and keeping one around domestic pets, ie: cats and  dogs, and also small children, could make the animal very sick very quickly.  

Native animals can also be hard to handle.  For example, a baby wombat can  be quite destructive and will think nothing of chewing your carpet to pieces,  pushing its way through closed doors and biting your ankles and legs. An adult  wombat is an aggresive animal and will attack intruders. A cute male kangaroo  joey will also grow to be a strong and aggressive adult who is an expert at "boxing",  and you will lose the fight!

However,  I believe that you are the first point of care and your actions will make a difference  to the life or death of an animal.  In these pages you will find information  on how to care for a native animal for short periods.  I have included information  regarding proper diet with the hope that you will be responsible and become  a trained carer, seek appropriate species specific training or pass the animal on as soon as possible.

Many  native animals can an be dehydrated when coming into care.  Giving an electrolyte  mixture from dropper will re-hydrate the animal and give it more energy.   Electrolyte fluids such as Lectate or Vitrate can be purchased at most veterinary  hospitals.  Alternatively you can offer a mixture of water and glucose (sugar or  Glucodine). The ratio of water / glucose is 1 teaspoon of glucose to 1 cup of  tepid (not cold, not hot) water.  Drip the solution on to the side of the  mouth only - never force the water into the animals mouth as water may enter the  lungs.

Any involvement in caring for wildlife is done entirely at your own risk.
 The author accepts no liability for injuries or difficulties arising from your  involvement.

Fourth Crossing Wildlife
a: c/o Wiangaree Post Office, 60 Worando Street, WIANGAREE NSW 2474
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